Classics English Literature

Classification Essay on Types of Shoppers


Shopping is an activity that is considered to be enjoyable, a waste of time and money, absurd, boring of fun. Shopping is utilized by diverse people for different reasons depending on their personalities. Some shoppers may view it as a way of relaxing while others view it as a chore. Regardless of the reasons behind shopping, those who engage in it are identified as shoppers. Different types of shoppers exist in the world. Shoppers engage in shopping for a reason therefore in this case, different types of shoppers are identified based on their reasons for shopping. Five types of shoppers exist but the most common types of shoppers include window shoppers, conservative shoppers and compulsive shoppers. Although different types of shoppers exist, what they have in common is the fact that they are all engaged in shopping.

            Conservative shoppers are those shoppers who view shopping as a chore and take their time to plan for the shopping experience. They prepare a shopping list beforehand to ensure that their shopping experience is both cost and time effective. If the actual price of any item in their shopping list exceeds the price budgeted for, they might opt to forgo it or purchase an alternative that meets their budgetary expectations. They are shoppers driven by specifics, whose main aim of shopping is to meet the specified needs. The advantages linked to this type of shoppers is that they save time as they are aware of what exactly they need and they are cost effective because they do not spend money impulsively but spend it on items that will satisfy their needs. The disadvantage linked to this type of shoppers is that they do not enjoy shopping as shopping is a chore to them.

            A window shopper or a wandering shopper is a person who browses from one shop to the other without the intent of making a purchase. To them, window shopping aids in passing time in between activities or it aids in the identification of items to be purchased in the future. A window shopper may engage in window shopping as a way of comparing prices such that he can identify the most competitive price for an item they are willing to purchase in the future. This type of shoppers might not make immediate purchases but may make the purchases. The main advantage of this type of shopping is that it aids in identifying the best prices in future while at the same identifying the items that will satisfy the needs of the shopper. It also aids in passing time when need be. The disadvantage linked to this type of shopping is that it wastes a lot of time and might culminate into impulsive buying.

            Compulsive shoppers are people addicted to shopping. They do not make any shopping lists or engage in window shopping before they make their purchases. They are driven by the compulsion of shopping without making any considerations on the consequences of spending their money at a whim. Compulsive shoppers might also encompass those people who engage in last minute superfluous purchases. Compulsive shoppers are driven by a thrill for shopping and might end up purchasing items that they will never use. The advantages of this type of shoppers are that shopping becomes a relaxing activity and makes them happy at all times. The disadvantages linked to it include thrift spending, time wastage, it is an addiction that should be overrun and most of the items purchased might never be utilized.


Shopping is an experience that most people engage in but different people engage in it for diverse reasons. Those who engage in shopping are identified as shoppers and depending on their personalities and reasons behind shopping they can be categorized into different groups. The most popular types of shoppers include window shoppers, conservative shoppers and compulsive shoppers. Window shoppers browse through shops without making purchases. Conservative shoppers only purchase the items that would satisfy their needs in accordance to prepared shopping lists and budgets. Compulsive shoppers engage in impulsive shopping without making considerations on the consequences of their impulse buying. In conclusion, though different types of shoppers exist, what they have in common is the fact that they are all engaged in shopping.

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