Business Messages

Communication is an integral process in any business that wishes to succeed. Common methods used to communicate in business include; memos, reports and press releases. (Bovee, Thill, Shatzman, 2002). Communication in business is also important especially for companies which have to publish their annual reports for their shareholders.

Communication in the modern business environment is carried out under the banner of business messaging. Business messaging involves three essential steps; planning, writing and completing. These three steps if carefully followed ensure effective business communication.

Planning involves analyzing the situation, gathering information, selecting the medium and getting organized. Analyzing the situation is important as it helps in choosing the most appropriate response. (Bovee, Thill, Shatzman, 2002). The information gathered should be from credible sources so as to avoid presenting contradicting information. The medium selected depends on the size of the target audience. For example it would be inappropriate to use a news paper advertisement to pass a message to the employees. E mail or a memo would be more appropriate in such a situation.

Writing involves analyzing the audience, adapting to the audience, controlling the style and finally drafting the message. It is important to analyze the audience as this enables you to determine how to put across the message in a way that it will be understood by everyone. Adapting to the audience encompasses sensitivity, relationships, style and tone.

By sensitivity, the message should avoid the “you” tone. For example avoid sentences like you should not be late instead use; try to be on time. The message should also have a positive attitude. Instead of the word failure, use underperformance. The message should also be put across in a courteous and diplomatic manner. The message should also not discriminate against age, gender, creed, disability, race and or ethnicity. In terms of style and tone, avoid bragging, be extra careful when using humor and addressing emotional issues. When drafting the message use straight forward and understandable language. Avoid clichés and too much jargon.

The third and final step is completing. Completing involves revising, producing, proofreading and distributing the final copy. The draft copy should be revised and anything that has been omitted should be included in the final copy so as to make it as comprehensive as possible. The draft should also be revised for any mistakes. After the revision, the final copy can be produced. However it necessary to proofread to ensure that the final copy meets the require standard of a business message. When all this is done, the final copy can be distributed to the target audience using the selected medium.

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