Business Ethics

Business Ethics

The morality of humans and animals is a contentious issue in the present world, with one part of the group holding the view that both humans and animals should be accorded the same rights, while the other factions holds the view that the position is a derogatory one to humanity. Morality within the human sphere arises from the fact that, although human beings are categorized within the animal kingdom just like any other animals, their supremacy is evidenced by factors like willpower and intellectual capabilities that lack in other animals (DiSilvestro, 2010). On a subjective standpoint, I believe that animals should be accorded the same moral status as human beings. This is because animals have a higher number of similarities than difference to the human race.

First, animals may possess a limited intellect but it has proven its effectuality over the years with regard to issues like parenting and social groupings in the animal world. This is analogous to the human institutions of courtship, matrimony and family. Secondly, animals have emotions like their counterparts as evidenced by the playful nature of animals as well as conflicts in the case of territorial protection. The latter is indicative of the jealous emotion (Corr, 2006). Thirdly, to a given extent animals bear free will analogous to human beings. For instance, young animals are raised by their parents and upon the attainment of a certain development age, they are liberalized to continue with their lives in accordance to their preferences. The parents have the capability of comprehension to release that the young ones have to move on.

The cost benefit approach upholds the fact that merits and demerits are co-existent factors in the business world. Each preference bears benefits and overheads yet the rule remains that once the benefits offset the costs, a project is accorded the right of implementation. The same principle should therefore be applied between animals and humans with regard to likenesses and differences.












Corr, P. J. (2006). Understanding biological psychology. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.

DiSilvestro, R. (2010). Human Capacities and Moral Status. New York, NY: Springer.


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