






Running Head: Business Management

















Business Management

Managerial position is a senior position in any organization. A departmental manager is expected to run and handle all the department’s activities, including the interests of the employees. The staff members in that particular department are accountable to him, and he is in turn accountable to the general manager. For a candidate to be considered for a managerial position he has to have some specific managerial skills and this will be deduced by asking the candidate a number of questions. These questions are regarding their general work experience, education and other responsibilities that they have handled in the past, together with the skills that they posses that can be of benefit to the organization.

The roles that the manager will be expected to play in the organization include “coming up with objectives, organizing the employees based on the roles that they will play in the achievement of the objectives, motivating them and communicating to them their duties, and lastly developing the employees’ abilities” (Schermerhorn, 2008). “A manager will be expected to be a leader in that service department, and so will be expected to make some very crucial decisions on behalf of the organization” (Jauch et al, 1989). He should act as a bridge between the staff under him and the general management of the company. This means that in any meeting, he is a representative of the whole department. “He is expected to monitor the working environment in the department and ensure that any emerging problem is dealt with as soon as possible” (Jauch et al, 1989). He should also monitor the process of allocating resources and ensure that there is no misuse and embezzlement.

The characteristics that I will consider in a candidate who qualifies for this position are as follows. First, he has to be well informed concerning managerial duties and responsibilities. “He should have the ability to delegate duties and to evaluate employees such that they know who to give what duties” (Khan, 2003). The other thing is about their interpersonal skills. A good manager should be able to relate well with the employees, and earn respect rather than demanding for it. He should be in a position to motivate the staff so that they can cooperate with him in attaining the company’s goals. He should also demonstrate the ability to embrace changes and adapt to them in the shortest time possible. To be able to have an idea of whether a candidate satisfies this criterion, I came up with a set of interview questions specific to the managerial position. These are:

  • Experience: from your previous experience and education, what is it that you see could be relevant in this position?
  • Planning organization and analysis skills: Describe your planning skills giving relevant examples of your experience concerning any long-term projects that you spearheaded. Explain the strategies that you use to ensure that tasks are completed on time, when faced with a time constraint.
  • Interpersonal and problem solving skills: Explain a situation in which you were faced with an issue that you had to involve other people in finding a solution, and any other situation that you were forced to make a decision on your own because of the urgency of the problem.
  • Leadership skills: due to the budgetary limitation, the workload in the organization is increasing at a higher rate than the resources. This leads to a reduced work drive among the employees who feel that they have limited time to be able to deliver the necessary support needed. What strategy would you apply in improving this state?
  • Technical proficiency: how conversant are you with computer technology in relation to the applications and software that you are familiar with, and how do you apply your computer knowledge in your work?
  • Future prospects: what plans do you have with regard to your managerial role? How are you planning to expand your scope of knowledge in management?
  • Crucial functions: to what extent are you willing to stretch yourself for the good of the organization? This is in terms of working extra hours and travelling outside your region, with or without allowances.
  • Optimism: you are given a project to oversee and it happens that the funds have been delayed. Time is running out and this may nullify the project. The funds are later on released and you are given an option of doing away with the project, or risking to start it, and the probability of not finishing on time is higher than that of finishing. How would you handle such a scenario?


These questions will be asked in an interview and the answers provided by the candidate will be evaluated to determine whether they are capable of handling the task or nor. A successful candidate will then be expected to work under minimal supervision, as per the information they have provided. Since the position is managerial, he will be required to be a self-motivated individual. This is necessary if he is to succeed in motivating the other employees.







Jauch, L. R., Coltrin, S. A., & Bedeian, A. G. (1989). The managerial experience. Dryden, Canada: Dryden Press.

Khan, H. A. (2008). An introduction to public administration. Lanham, Md: University Press of America.

Schermerhorn, J. R. (2008). MGM101: Introduction to management functions. Mississauga: Wiley.

Sen, J., & Das, J. P. (1988). Roles of managers as perceived by M.B.A. students. Montreal, Quebec: Faculty of Commerce and Administration, Concordia University.










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