Branding in a Changing Economy





Branding in a Changing Economy

The article The Internet as a Medium for Communicating with Teenagers reveals that the current generations of teenagers are the first generation to grow up using the Internet for different purposes. The increased use of the Internet focuses on information search on any topic and it is the fundamental part of teenagers’ social and leisure time. This article examines the opportunities given by the Internet to communicate with youths within their social marketing operations. It indicates the considerable suggestions that were evaluated to analyze the marketing strategies using the Internet. It reveals that communication through the Internet is essential to the youths as an audience in making of social advertising.

From the article of The Internet as a Medium for Communicating with Teenagers, my audience will mostly be the teenagers. However, I will include the adults but the majority will be the teenagers. This is because the teenagers spend their time on the Internet more than anyone else does. In addition, my audiences are the young and adults aged 25 to 50 because I will be able to capture their attention faster. This is because when designing commodities and advertising them through the Internet, the immediate individuals to capture are this category of people because they are computer literate (Peattie 31).

The article The Impact of Developing Technology on Media Communications analyzes the changes in communications media that result from innovative information technologies. This communication technologies include networks, Websites, graphical arts especially digital photographs, digital achieves and printing technologies. The article examines the effects of these communication technologies in social and cultural contexts and their impacts to the audiences. These technologies have less impacts thus they are essential in creating product awareness that will attract many customers to my business.

Those who will be interested in my business are the majority of the product consumers who may be influenced by the use of any media use. The interested group can either involve those who prefer watching the televisions, websites or viewing graphic arts. The categories of people who will be interested in my business are the young and adults who use communication technologies such as the Internet or the websites. This is because many people especially teenagers, prefer to surf on the Internet. It is also convenience because it serves many people for a short period in the whole world (MacDonald and Lindsay 17).

The article Virtually Working: Communicative and Structural Predictors of Media Use and Key Outcomes in Virtual Work Teams, examines the organization movements towards group support structures, globalization and dependence on media channels in addressing effective teams. It focuses on the way effective teams differ from conventional and face to face and examines variations in effective teams that may affect communication behaviors and skills. It analyzes the different communication methods that are associated with the relationships between media use and outcomes. The article reveals some of the structural features that mainly relate to media use for group members, administrators and organizations in designing effective team and communication processes.

In the article Virtually Working: Communicative and Structural Predictors of Media Use and Key Outcomes in Virtual Work Teams, the media channels that will work best to reach the young and the adults aged 25 to 50 depend on the virtual working teams in an organization. An organization may choose to use magazines such as Model magazines, Health magazines or any other prints to popularize their products (Timmerman and Craig 119). They can also make use of public graphic designs or exhibitions because they are the best methods that capture the attention of audiences. Another media channel is the use of photographs in product designing because they attract many audiences.


















Works Cited

MacDonald, Lindsay. “The Impact of Developing Technology on Media Communications.”

Information Services & Use. 17.1 (1997): 5-22. Print.

Peattie, Sue. “The Internet as a Medium for Communicating with Teenagers.” Social Marketing

 Quarterly. 13.2 (2007): 21-46. Print.

Timmerman, C. E. and Craig Scott. “Virtually Working: Communicative and Structural

Predictors of Media Use and Key Outcomes in Virtual Work Teams.” Communication Monographs. 73.1 (2006): 108-136. Print.




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