Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Response 1

I like the way you have answered the questions and how you have analyzed your management styles. You have taken the time to explain your role and your position in the institution, and you have detailed how this affects how you manage in the institution. As a person who has to deal with the students and with a group of adults, I think that you do a commendable job, especially since you feel limited in the decision-making process. Dealing with different kinds of people requires one to use different management styles. I therefore find it quite useful that you take the time to know whom you are working with so that you can know how to deal with each individual. For people to gain respect from those working under them, they have to show that they deserve that respect and that they too, respect their subordinates. Since you find this management style to be confusing, do you think that it is because you are taking on a lot of responsibility? As for the test results, they do not always reflect how a person manages or behaves. I liked the illustration you gave about making inclusive decisions. I understand your frustrations concerning the lack of inclusive decisions and I believe that this illustration gives one a good chance to be inclusive in their decisions.


Response 2-Daniella Mullins

I like the way you have analyzed your personality styles, and how this has affected the decisions you make concerning management. I find it surprising that you use the directive approach, especially since you are more of a feeling person. I liked the method you implemented for improving on-task behavior, since it did not seem harsh to the children. It rewarded positive behavior with something they could easily enjoy and it gave the children a chance to redeem themselves by giving them another chance. Do you think that the children would have avoided repeating the same mistakes if there was no chance for redemption? Is it possible that the children took advantage of the fact that they would have another chance of getting a reward even if they did something wrong? I think that this method would have been more effective if there was a better reward or if there was more correction. I like the fact that you get your encouragement from seeing the positive results of the children. Your observation concerning too many people in decision-making is true. I like the fact that you have noted where inclusive decision-making would be most useful.


Response 3-Jennifer Barnhill

I agree that the situation called for a more democratic approach. The administration was not dealing with students in this case, but it was dealing with adults who knew what they were doing. It was therefore not right for the administration to question and change the decisions that the teachers made. Collaborative decision in this case would have worked better and it would have avoided the resulting conflict and tension that was experienced. Your illustration concerning inclusive decision-making is a clear example of how this type of decision-making can be successful if it is used rightly. The administration was willing to listen to your input, and they not only listened, but they also made sure that they implemented the decisions made. This was a successful case of how administrations should value their employee’s input and contributions, since they spend most of the time with the students, and in this case, the teacher spent most of the time with the new teacher. Do you think that you could have done something differently with the teacher who was not able to keep up with the pace and rigor of the school?


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