Analysis of Campaign Advertisement

Analysis of Campaign Advertisement

            The foremost goal of a political communication is persuasion and it contains an important strain of relativity and connection. This is attained in the advert by Obama known as “Yes We Can” in numerous ways. First, there is the mention of national creeds found in the constitution. This is a point of reference and connection with the audiences. Secondly, several celebrities inform of actors, singers and sports-men are featured. These are common figures and images in the audience’s daily lives and make the advert more appealing in addition to attention grasping. The lyrics refer to biblical contexts, using statements such as “promised land” thus connecting to a larger portion of the American population. Reference to nationally admired movements and historic revolutions such as abolitionists and perpetuators of women rights fits the message under hand in context of great moments of the nation (Daniel & Mancini, 2004). This is illustrated by the statements, “It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom. Yes we can. Yes we can” and “It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots.”

Political communication has polarization of the audience as a chief objective in political communication where the audience is to be swayed to a particular opinion in a euphoric way. This is the case in the commercial having mass appeal by including a mass tone. Repetitive phrases are given a mass tone such as “yes we can” and “we want change.” This depicts tapping into the mass mood to draw more support by creation of mass appeal. In addition, the advert creates an opponent for luring the audience to support the Obama campaign. The song contains a segment stating, “We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check.”

Nationalism is heavily depicted in the song. The purpose of this is to create immense collective appeal by drawing into patriotism in the audience. Characteristic to this concept is the constant use of the words “we” and “America” as illustrated by the segment, “We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. We want change! (We want change! I want change! We want change! I want change…)” and “we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America’s story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea – Yes. We. Can.”

Political communication seeks to enforce certain statements while debasing others as seen in the advert. The advert insists on the possibility of change and hope in spite of current situations. An approach of inferring to previous hostilities and the nation’s ultimate victory over the mentioned is used. In the statements “It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness,” a previous obstacle and its subduing is illustrated (Bennett, 2009). This is important in tapping the emotional component of the audience by inducing feelings of hope and optimism, given positive people are easier to persuade. Enforcement of political concepts is illustrated by the repetitive phrases such as ‘yes we can’ and “we want change”

Political communication essentially passes beliefs held by the leaders to the people by active media. This is illustrated by the use of song in delivering the immanent political agenda of change. The use of song as the medium increases the possibility of reverberation of the message due to different packaging of political agenda (Daniel & Mancini, 2004). In addition, song facilitates creation of a homogenous mass mood, essential in supporting the agenda. The choruses are full of enthusiasm and optimism, playing a significant role in garnering political mileage as seen by “Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes, we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes, we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world.”

Use of the internet in campaigns fosters political communication, ideal for fast response as seen in the advert going viral. The fast response is essential in quantifying effects of the advert and formulating other responsive measures. The political communication is likely to achieve its goals if the audiences are able to communicate back, since they feel part of the agenda. Political communication seeks to reach the widest range of audience possible. Viraling has the advantage of reaching individuals who are not necessary looking for political information and granting them the opportunity to respond to the political agenda.

Viraling in political communication ascribes accuracy on a connectional dimension where the number of hits can be obtained. This has compounded the idea of creating web functional groups that support a certain agenda and target costume made messages for them. The Obama advert had the most of its viewers being supporters of his ideals. This is consistent with political communication’s goal of retention, where supporters of a particular political agenda are retained. Persuasion is important and it has arguments as one of its entailments. Political advertising through viraling has created a platform for arguments and counter-attacking negative attack advertising (Bennett, 2009). For instance, the advert refers to attacks by stating, “We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check.”

The option of sharing the advertisement between supporters and other supports or non-supporters is essential. This has been incorporated in viraling, serving the purpose of extensive awareness of political agendas perpetuated by a certain political leader. In addition, the sharing is another forum to engage the public in debate, an essential component of political communication since it proves sincerity on the part of the political leader. Public communication emphasizes the framing of political messages in a manner appropriate for all target markets. Segmentation of public results into groups only reachable through viraling by the adverts can be targeted to particular segments. This can extend to individual levels based on key word searches. The Obama advert appeared on certain sites depending on people associated with such targets in terms of income and gender. An example is where a young mother who is visiting a children website is facilitated to see the candidate’s policy on young children. The segmentation facilitates individual involvement with the content.

Viraling enabled the production of such an advert in the sense of variability. Compared to other forms of advertising, the interest groups, parties and prospective candidates are granted greater control over their material and forms. For instance, the advertisement is more than four minutes long and in case change in the content is needed flexibility is assured. To create the notion of ownership the advert was made available for downloading. This facilitates understanding of the political agenda by the public.


Political communication evokes goals ascribed to persuasion, polarization and broad mass appeal. The inclusion of celebrities, familiar content and historically significant references in the advert serve these aspects. Additionally, political communication cultivates in the public mood in an attempt to steer it for mileage. Essential to the accomplishment of this, is emotional appeal. The advertisement was able to attain this by constant repetition of optimistic phrases embodied heavily with general public sentiment. The harvests were compounded further by viraling where the advert was on the internet. Tremendous opportunities for segment based advertising and forum debating emerged.


Works Cited:

Daniel, Hallin & Mancini, Paolo. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics.  Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.

Bennett, Lance. News, the Politics of Illusion. New York, NY: Longman. 2009. Print.


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