

Venus is the second planet from the sun and is extremely hot at 500 degrees Celsius. It also has a high air pressure, of around 92 atmospheres. The planet also has many active volcanoes a fact that explains the frequent volcanic eruptions. These conditions make the planet too harsh for human existence but the aliens living on this planet are well adapted to it. The aliens living on this planet inhabit the clouds where the temperatures and pressure are lower and can able to support higher life, in the basic sense of the word high. Venus also has a very low gravity explaining the aliens ability to have a habitat floating in the sky. Due to the low gravity, the aliens rely on flying as their mode of movement from one place to another and their feet have many small suction-like features that enable them to walk without being carried away.

The alien is short and is shaped like the letter ‘X’. It has short limbs, a small torso and large wings attached to its back. It has a large head with large eyes, a small nose and small mouth. Its ears are located inside its head, and have a very small opening that enables them to receive sounds. Instead of skin, it has a very hard, translucent exoskeleton, which is heat resistant. The exoskeleton is silver in order to reflect heat and light from the sun enabling the alien to regulate its body temperature. Its has very long eye lashes in order to shield its eyes from the sun’s light, its eyes are also bright which enables them to reflect the sun’s light. It is hairless; this enables it to regulate its body temperature, since hair traps heat. It also has a large brain that is located behind its large eye sockets. Due to the size of its brain, its head is also very large. The alien is able to send and receive messages from other planets using its brain; its brain also acts as a satellite.

Their lungs have synthetic alveoli that convert the carbon dioxide in the air into oxygen. Despite the fact that there is no oxygen in the atmosphere, the alien’s lungs have developed an adaptation that enables them to obtain carbon dioxide in the air and break it down to oxygen molecules, which are then transported all over the alien’s body. Venus receives acid rain; these aliens are able to drink the acid rain just like water, but when it gets to the stomach, it is converted into water through a chemical-reaction by the chemicals it contains in its stomach. The alien also has a heart that pumps blood to all parts of the body using the oxygen that is produced in the lungs. Not much oxygen is required since the alien is only two feet tall. In Venus, adult aliens are between 1-2 feet tall. This height is an adaptation to the environment because it enables them to withstand the high air pressure.

The alien has an organ known as the SulfurDecomposer, which it uses to split the sulfuric acid found in the planet’s atmosphere into water and protein molecules. The protein molecules are converted into energy, which enables it to produce motion and facilitates metabolism. It feeds on the Venus Butterdrops, which also produce carbon and oxygen in the alien’s body. The carbon is useful in protecting the alien’s internal organs from corrosion by acids. The alien also has an organ known as the Magnet next to its lungs that converts carbon into hydrogen through fusion. This hydrogen combines with the oxygen obtained from the Venus Butterdrop to form water. Consequently, the alien remains hydrated despite the fact that there is no water on Venus.

Homeostasis is achieved through the functioning of this various parts harmoniously in order to create a constant internal environment within the alien. Through the functions of the heart, lungs, magnet, sulfurdecomposer and the heat resistant exoskeleton, it is able to survive the harsh conditions through the homeostatic reactions. The alien reproduces by laying eggs given it has a simple reproductive system. After mating, the female alien produces around five hundred eggs, which are small and covered in a hard shell. Only a small fraction of the eggs will hatch at the end of one year, which in the Venus calendar is 225 days. The rest will succumb to the harsh conditions of the planet.

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