

            Advertising is identified as a form of communication utilized by businesses and different organizations with the intention of persuading a certain audience to take some action on or purchase ideals, products or services. It is inclusive of the features of the service or product and the ways in which it can benefit the customer with the intention of persuading the targeted audience to consume or purchase the particular brand. Controversy has arisen regarding the communication characteristic of advertisement with many people questioning the trust exhibited by advertising as they are not sure whether advertising is a form of manipulation or a form of providing information. Although advertising is a source of information, it emphasizes mostly on manipulation.

Advertising is not driven by the fundamentals of information provision but by capitalization on human emotions, which cannot be ignored. Most advertisements use the model images of celebrities as well as different endorsements to enhance the reception of their message. This reflects on the perception of self-worth that people have towards themselves, which is known as mental capitalism. The advertisers capitalize on the mental subjectivity of the consumers such that they utilize the adverts to paint a perfect image that all human beings would like to exhibit increasing the consumption of the products and services in question. Mental subjectivity stimulates the part of the brain involved with learning and trust thus swaying the trust of consumers.

Information encompasses news, knowledge and facts. Information is relayed and received in different forms either complete or incomplete and biased or misleading. Many advertisers have abandoned the marketing ethics for misleading advertising with the intent of making as many sales as possible regardless of the repercussions. Due to the brevity of advertisement, most do not provide complete information about the products in question; they are intended to convince the consumers to consume the products and services. In this case, the information contained in advertisement is incomplete and misleading but most consumers end-up trusting it as their psychology has been manipulated.

The norm that has been adopted by modern advertising capitalizes on the provision of as little information as possible but as high quality of manipulation as possible. Human beings are willing to buy products that have been commoditized, as they are meant for the satisfaction of their needs. Conversely, advertisers capitalize on the commoditization of different products, ideals and services to endear them to the consumers. In this case, consumers are not provided with useful information about products but they are provided with what they want to hear thus convincing them to purchase the products. Advertisement is thus bent on manipulating not providing information.

Advertisement is desirable as it makes different products and services popular and it increases their sales. Modern advertisement however is bent on manipulating consumers rather than providing them with useful information needed for decision-making. Most advertisement utilizes model celebrities to tamper with the mental subjectivity of consumers thus convincing them to consume the products in question. Other consumers are convinced through the commoditization of products that are geared towards assuring the satisfaction of their dire needs. The information provided by most advertisement is misleading and incomplete leading to the conclusion that although advertising is a source of information, it emphasizes mostly on manipulation.



Thesis Statement: Although advertising is a source of information, it emphasizes mostly on manipulation.

Topic Sentence (1): Advertising is not driven by the fundamentals of information provision but by capitalization on human emotions, which cannot be ignored.

Topic Sentence (2): Information is relayed and received in different forms either complete or incomplete and biased or misleading.

Topic Sentence (3): The norm that has been adopted by modern advertising capitalizes on the provision of as little information as possible but as high quality of manipulation as possible.


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