writers choice

Fall 2010
English 1302

Unit 3 Paper 1

Pick one of the following topics to write about. Write an introduction with a thesis at the end, thesis, three full paragraphs and a conclusion. (Do not do any research to complete this paper.)

Present a clear thesis; use topic sentences to focus the attention of the reader, and use specifics from the text to support the topic sentences.

1. Explain how the use of language helps reveal the writers main idea in any of the reading from the The Winter Evening Settles Down [ text link: http://www2.kirkwoodschools.org/parent_student/nm/renzali/Preludes-Eliot-Imagery.pdf
In other words, identify different types of language used and explain how they help make the text reveal or suggest its main idea. Use reading Living in Sin [text link: http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/adrienne_rich/3835

2. Why does Willy Loman suffer?

3. One critic asserts that Character is Fate.Explain what this means in the case of Tom in the Glass menagerie or Willie Loman in Death of a Salesman.

*Do not merely summarize the text(s). Assume the reader has read the text(s). The paper should support the thesis.

Fall 2010


English 1302


Unit 3 Paper 1


Pick one of the following topics to write about.  Write an introduction with a thesis at the end, thesis, three full paragraphs and a conclusion.  (Do not do any research to complete this paper.)


Present a clear thesis; use topic sentences to focus the attention of the reader, and use specifics from the text  to support the topic sentences.


  1. Explain how the use of language helps reveal the writer’s main idea in any of the reading from the “The Winter Evening Settles Down” [ text link:  http://www2.kirkwoodschools.org/parent_student/nm/renzali/Preludes-Eliot-Imagery.pdf

In other words, identify different types of language used and explain how they help make the text reveal or suggest its main idea. Use reading” Living in Sin” [text link: http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/adrienne_rich/3835



  1. Why does Willy Loman  suffer?


  1.  One critic asserts that “Character is Fate.”  Explain what this means in the case of Tom in the Glass menagerie or Willie Loman in Death of a Salesman.





*Do not merely summarize the text(s). Assume the reader has read the text(s).  The paper should support the thesis.





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