Wal-mart stock analysis

Assume that you are a new, struggling stock analyst. You were approached by a group of Investors to be their investment advisor.

You need to do some research on a company, collect all the relevant
information, analyze what you have and then report to your clients whether they should buy shares of this particular company. You need to turn in a written report, approximately 5 pages, and present your analysis. Steps You Might Want to Take

Pick a company that you are interested in. It might be easier for you if you pick a large company because more information is usually
available about large,  well-known companies.

Collect information about the company. Your starting point should be the
firm’s most recent annual reports.
You can get a lot of information online. Most libraries also have some publications that you can use, such as Value Line.

It is very important that you do some research on its main competitors and
the industry as well.

Make a recommendation based on your research and analysis.

What You Should Include in Your Report

A brief introduction about the company, including its history, its main
product(s), gross sales, net income,
recent stock price performance, dividend payments, number of shares
outstanding, etc. When you report the numbers, make sure you include
several years’ data to see whether there is a trend.  Years 2007-2009

Information about the industry and the major competitors.

Your analysis. You need to present your own views but you may also include Value Line or
other authoritative sources’ views about the future performance of the company.

Your recommendation.

All I really need is the income statement and the balance sheet for the last years 2007-2009. just tell me why i should choose this stock aaccording to the findings in the finanical statement. please cite the fiananical state that is used.

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