Voice in the Park by Anthony Browne

***If you open the file that I attached, there is a topic and concept of this project. Read it carefully and must understand what this project is about. And, write an annotated bibliography.

***This annotated bibliography is based on the book, Voice in the Park by Anthony Browne.

***Your annotations follow the entry. Your annotations should include two to five sentences of summary (summarize main ideas, main points, main arguments; identify the writer’s main position; directly quote useful portions or information) and one to three sentences of critical evaluation or analysis (why is the source useful or relevant; how does the source relate to your research topic). Your annotations should include two to five sentences of summary (summarize main ideas, main points, main arguments; identify the writer’s main position; directly quote useful portions or information) and one to three sentences of critical evaluation or analysis (why is the source useful or relevant; how does the source relate to your research topic). MLA usually requires everything to be double-spaced, but for our purposes, single space looks better. Make sure you include a line between each item.

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