unit 3 project

paper should clearly contain:

A discussion of a minimum of three fields where dogs are currently utilized in police service
Issues that are clearly examined along with any problems they present
write a 2-3 page, double-spaced summary of the article. Include the following information:

Bibliographic Information: use APA format to provide the citation for the article.
Purpose: In a sentence or two, state the authors purpose in writing the article by summarizing what the authors were trying to do.
Assumptions or Hypotheses: Tell what the authors believe about the topic or give hypotheses if the authors provided hypothesis statements. If this is an empirical research article, the authors will usually state one or more hypotheses.
Identify the topic(s) of the article by identifying who or what the article was written about.
Identify the authority of the authors by determining if the authors had personal experience with the topic researched or if the authors relied on outside research to support their opinions.
Conclusion: State the findings of the study (only the main points) by briefly stating what the authors found from the research. This should be done in no more than three paragraphs.

**extra material**
“Scent as Forensic Evidence and its Relationship to the Law Enforcement Canine” by Charles Mesloh, Ross Wolf, and Mark Henych.

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