The relationship between law and social change

Discuss the relationship between law and social change: does law follow or initiate social change? Give examples, use cases such as Eldridge and Sauve, provide arguments for and against, link your argument to one of theoretical perspectives (e.g., Marx, critical legal studies, feminist theory, critical race theory, etc.).
Valid (scholarly/academic, not personal opinion) support/evidence/research
Multiple views/opposing arguments
o Appreciation & refutation of
o Valid support/evidence/research
Almost all topics involve an actual legal case, legislation or legal reference. Your paper can only truly address the issue at hand if you use & properly reference the actual materials in question. Find the actual court case or legislation in question, in its primary state. Do not rely on only others interpretations.
o Almost all federal & provincial (and even international) legislation is available online (Acts, Codes, laws, etc.)
o Most court cases are available online; remember many high profile cases have gone through more than one level of court!
Case studies, legal references, historical references, etc.
Valid support/evidence/research
Get the facts right verify with multiple sources
If you are using examples, whose version of the facts is it? It there an opposing view/version? How do we know what is
Substance main premise of paper clearly identified in introduction, and maintained throughout paper
Proposed arguments & support for each
Issues/questions to be discussed/answered
Be sure you are answering what you were asked!
Valid (scholarly/academic) support/evidence/research
Explain clearly what the theory entails and how it relates to the issue/topic
Multiple theories may apply; as well, one theory may often apply in more than one way (be clear about how you are using it)

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