Short Essay- Analysis

1. Please make sure the sources are cited properly, flawless essay and the works to be cited.
2. I am sending the reading material as fax also.
3. The ad writer choses, I would like it to be sent to me also after the order is completed because I have to attach it with my final draft on the day its duee.
Please make sure it is neat and clear, and work cited also.
I want it to be in between 600-750 PLEASe
I hope you follow the word limit very strictly.
I am paying for 3 PAGES but please make sure the order is in the range of 600-750.
Since I am paying for 3 pages and the word limit on the essay is 600-750 and 3 pages = 825 words, I would appreciate if you could fill out the ESSAY #2=INVENTION EXERCISE FOR ME!
please make sure Exercise #2- invention exercise is different and to be filled out seperately.

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