Sexualisation of Women in Sport



Student is to provide a considered response to the questions, with evidence of some reading or research above and beyond that provided in the lectures/tutorials.  Marks will be based on a consideration of the student’s ability to provide clear explanations, use examples as appropriate, show an understanding of theory and concepts, and to structure the response well.


Student must provide any/all references used in answering the questions, in an appropriate style (Harvard preferred).


You must answer the question as clear as possible and you also have to cite the book I uploaded (PAGE 171-4 will be helpful)

–          Horne, J.,A. Tomlinson and G.Whannel. (1999) Understanding Sport: An Introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport. London: Routledge, Chapter 6 pp 161-191, titled “Representation, sport and the media”.

NOTE this reading is relatively old and based on British examples, but it touches on, in one reading, many of the main issues associated with the topic.


Recommended reading

–          Rowe, D. (2004) Sport, Culture and the Media. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
and so on…


You can provide any other references but the most important thing is that you must concentrate on the lecture note. This paper MUST relate to it.


Discuss what it means when theorists suggest that there has been an increasing sexualisation of sportswomen (2 marks).


Provide and explain arguments which suggest that this sexualisation is empowering for women (4 marks) then provide and explain arguments which suggest that this sexualisation is disempowering for women (4 marks).



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