persuasive memo

First, you have to find out an article that talks about communication skills.
Second, you need to write 1 page memo to (Allen) he is my classmate in my group. Write persuasively to teach him how to make his life easier in communication aria. Choose 2 to 3 communication skills to him to improve on. Also, give him 3 to 5 helpful tips to improve. Also, reference the article in the memo.
Those are just suggestions.
1. Expressing Your Thoughts
2. Confidence and Clarity

Third, you need to write 1 page memo to (Allen) he is my classmate in my group. Write persuasively to teach him how to make his life easier in communication aria. Choose 2 to 3 communication skills to her to improve on. Also, give her 3 to 5 helpful tips to improve. Also, reference the article in the memo.
Those are just suggestions.

1. Listening Attentively

Please read the uploaded material so you understand what exactly I need. Try to use easy word.

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