
I will send you the PPT file and also I will send you the sample for the paper.

Group Members (all who are not Group Leaders) should post by Day 3 of Week 3 a response to the Group Leader’s presentation that contains:

Discussion Topic











The establishment of multi-national corporations in any given country is very significant to the economy considering that there are many benefits accrued. Specifically, existence of multi-national corporations creates massive employment opportunities since the concerned organisations invest huge amounts of resources in addition to creating goodwill and capital inflows into an economy (Fatemi, Saint & Williams, 2006; Graham & Woo, 2009). All the same, there are certain environments that must exist in order for multinational companies to thrive in an economy. For instance, a country or state ought to have liberalized political and economic systems for the corporations to expand. For instance, barriers of trade must be minimized to encourage setting up of multinational corporations in any given area. With such environment, agglomeration that leads to favorable economies of scale, reduced operational costs, market penetration and labor mobility occurs (Shaver & Flye, 2000; Strange & Rosenthal, 2000). An ideal example of agglomeration in economies is the growth of automotive industry in states like Michigan and later that later expanded to other parts of the world like Europe.

In light of the above discussion, the topic could be enhanced by providing in-depth information about each of the various aspects instead of provision of data in a brief manner. It would also be significant if more examples on effects of agglomeration, environment for attracting multinational corporations and foreign direct investments were provided.

Research on the current topic can help address the gaps in literature and impact on the economy in a number of ways. To begin with, research will assist in understanding economic models and different market structures thus help development of economic policies that will attract different multinational companies together with agglomeration, which will accelerate growth. Again, research is important in developing a lasting framework that will be used in decision making, management of trade barriers and maintaining foreign direct investments among others.

Annotated Bibliography

Fatemi, S. N., Saint, P. D., & Williams, W. G. (2006).  Multinational Corporations. New York: Associated University Press Publishers.

This source details how governments can facilitate economic growth by creating conducive economic, political and social environments that attracts multinational companies and leads to agglomeration.

Graham, M., & Woo, J. (2009). Fuelling economic growth: the role of public-private sector research in development. Massachusetts.  IDRC Publishers.

The authors argue that in any given economy, the public sector plays an important role of carrying out research that is used as a framework of decision making on various trade related issues including waiver of barriers and attracting foreign investments among others.

Law, M. C. (1991). Restructuring the global automobile industry: national and regional. New York:  Routledge Publishers.

The book insists that both government and private investors must invest massive amounts of resources in order for the automotive industry to grow and continue expanding to foreign markets.

International Labor Organisation. (2011). Multinational Corporations. Retrieved from

            In this article, the international Labor organisation gives an account of various aspects relating to multinational organisations including home countries of leading companies, state of manufacturing industry in the United States and value associated with trade by the companies in question.

Shaver, M. J., & Flye, F. (2000). Agglomeration economies, firm heterogeneity, and foreign direct investment in the United States. Strategic Management Journal Vol. 21(12), pp. 1175–1193. DOI: 10.1002/1097-0266.

This article insists that liberal economies always experience increase in capital inflows in terms of foreign direct investment in particular industries more so those that are similar in nature like the automotive industry.

Audretsch, B. (2004). Agglomeration and the location of innovative activity. Oxford Review of Economic Policy Vol. 14(2), pp. 16-29.

Andretsch suggests that whenever policies are put in place to create favorable investing or environments, then it is possible to experience agglomeration in a given sector and overall economy.

Head, K., Ries, J., & Swenson, D. (2000). Agglomeration benefits and location choice: Evidence from Japanese manufacturing investments in the United States.  Journal of International Economics Vol. 38(4), pp. 223-247. doi:10.1016/0022-1996(94)01351-R.

The journal article explains that agglomeration usually leads to reduced cost of doing business, penetration to larger markets, economies of scale and healthy competition. It is against this background that certain Japanese companies have shifted to United States.

Strange, C. W., & Rosenthal, S. (2005). Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economies. Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Vol. 4, pp. 2119-2171. doi:10.1016/S1574-0080(04)80006-3.

Just like other scholars, Strange and Rosenthal bring forward the argument that agglomeration economies are characterized by liberal markets that have no unnecessary trade barriers like is the case in the United States automotive industry.

Rubenstein, M. J. (2001). Making and selling cars: innovation and change in the U.S. automotive industry. Baltimore: JHU Press Publishers.

A well-detailed history of United States automotive industry, challenges faced currently and in the past together with solutions to the different issues, facing the sector is addressed in this source.


Audretsch, B. (2004). Agglomeration and the location of innovative activity. Oxford Review of Economic Policy Vol. 14(2), pp. 16-29.

Fatemi, S. N., Saint, P. D., & Williams, W. G. (2006).  Multinational Corporations. New York: Associated University Press Publishers.

Graham, M., & Woo, J. (2009). Fuelling economic growth: the role of public-private sector research in development. Massachusetts.  IDRC Publishers.

Head, K., Ries, J., & Swenson, D. (2000). Agglomeration benefits and location choice: Evidence from Japanese manufacturing investments in the United States.  Journal of International Economics Vol. 38(4), pp. 223-247. DOI: 10.1016/0022-1996(94)01351-R.

International Labor Organisation. (2011). Multinational Corporations. Retrieved from

Law, M. C. (1991). Restructuring the global automobile industry: national and regional. New York:  Routledge Publishers.

Rubenstein, M. J. (2001). Making and selling cars: innovation and change in the U.S. automotive industry. Baltimore: JHU Press Publishers.

Shaver, M. J., & Flye, F. (2000). Agglomeration economies, firm heterogeneity, and foreign direct investment in the United States. Strategic Management Journal Vol. 21(12), pp. 1175–1193. DOI: 10.1002/1097-0266.

Strange, C. W., & Rosenthal, S. (2005). Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economies. Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Vol. 4, pp. 2119-2171. DOI: 10.1016/S1574-0080(04)80006-3.

A discussion of the research topic. Are there ways in which the topic could be refined or enhanced?
An answer to the following question: How might research on this topic potentially address a gap in the literature or impact the field?
An annotated bibliography of 10 additional articles or resources that would prove useful in addressing this topic

Refer to the Group Member Discussion Response Rubric before posting your response.
Below those information it is provide to you help for the paper¦
Outline for Group Leader Discussion Presentations

The following PowerPoint presentation outline is suggested:

Slide Number Audio Clip Contents of Slide should include:
Slide 1 Yes Title Slide”Week X/Group X/Week Title/Participant Name
Slides 2 -3  A synthesis of the ideas from the week™s assigned literature
Slides 4 -5 Yes An identification of apparent gaps in the week™s literature
o Evaluate the hypotheses, research designs, threats to validity, implications of the findings, and areas for further research for the main topic area that week (which is comprised of all the week™s articles).
Slide 6  An original research topic related to the week™s literature
o The proposed research topic can be related to the general topic for the week or to gaps in the literature for the week, or be fueled by a specific reading for the week.
Slides 7 -9 Yes Background information on the proposed research topic
Slides 10 Yes  An annotated bibliography of at least 10 appropriate resources related to the proposed research topic

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