Michael D’Antonio, The State Boys Rebellion, (Simon and Schuster, 2004).

Each question needs to be answered thoroughly, and each answer should be double-spaced, 12pt times, and be at least 3 pages long.

Q1 – In Chapter 8 of the book, D’Antonio develops the very important argument that sociologists and reformers made in the 1960s onward about institutionalization (and for that matter all labeling). That is, that labeling becomes a Aself-fulfilling prophecy@ in which people become their labels. Please explain what the term >self-fulfilling prophecy@ means and how it played out for many of the characters in the book such as Fred Boyce, Joey Almeida, and the Gagne brothers.

Q2 – Although it should be pretty clear throughout the book, in Chapter 8 D’Antonio says certain things such as alcoholism, poverty, and unemployment were pre-disposing factors to being admitted to the Fernald State School and almost all the children had a long history of being involved with social service agencies. Given this, do you feel the Fred Boyce, Joey Almeida and Gagne brothers of today=s world would fare better (and be specific)? Why or why not? Use both the book and other parts of the class to support your argument.

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