Manchester united

focus alot on swot analysis as graph and drawing…
It is a strategic analysis course I am taking,and The Group Project is to talk about  and analyze Manchester United’s Strategy. My part is give a SWOT(strengths,weaknesses,opportunities, and threats) analysis of the company. You can say whatever you want in terms of their competitive advantage, and it would be better if the SWOT analysis was more in terms of their strategy or at least to be included somewhere in the analysis.
Also, another part is to talk about How Manchester United is not only a team but also a business i.e. company..Points to be explained in this part can be:
-football industry as a business Model( as in the case of Manchester United):
-Revenue(and its link to performance) and Costs (but no need for numbers just breif analysis)

-Brand Value,brand image created for MU
-The football Market in Europe and the UK(the environment) for example Pestel analysis of the industry or Porter’s five forces(very breif analysis)
-and at last if you can just include for me like a graph on the revenue for some clubs for the past 10 years or less doesnt matter

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