Management roles in business organization

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Management roles in business organization

Petrick, Joseph A. and Quinn, John F. Management ethics: integrity at work. New York: SAGE, 1997. Print.


The objective of the book by Petrick and Quinn is to create an enhancement and a link between ethics and management. It is also meant to increase competence in management planning, leadership, organization and control. The book is also aimed at improving management integrity in both domestic and global private and public sectors. The book is meant to enrich managers with theories and tools that shall enable them handle the moral complexities they encounter in their respective workplaces and enhance integrity and responsibility. This shall in turn improve the quality of their work significantly. The book encompasses guidance in different disciplines like organizational development, business management, cultural anthropology, human resource management, philosophy, statistical quality control, religion and several others. All these fields strengthen the mind and skills of the manager today and equip them with a sound guide to making and improving ethical decisions in their practice. The integrity of the management trickles down to the staff directly and therefore the management should have a clear mind and conscience while conducting the daily affairs of the firm.


Mylonas, Aliisa, et al. Business Organization and Management for Queensland. Australia: Macmillan Education Aus., 2007. Print.


The book shows how every organization has a specific structure and how every organization is formed by a group of individual who come together to work towards a specific and common goal. The book also aims to describe several elements of an organization as being a group of people, who have a formal structure for better coordination of the organization’s activities, who can work together, and who have a good understanding of the organizational environment and also access to good resources technologically. The book is also meant to explain the common term Organization, its purpose and why they follow specific management methods and certain structures. The importance of understanding these topics is to enable the development of ethical, trustworthy and devoted management practices within organizations. When the management or the manager focuses, even the people he/she leads focus and therefore better results are achieved by the organization.

Sekhar, G. V. Satya. Business Policy and Strategic Management. New Delhi: I. K. International Pvt Ltd, 2009. Print.


This book by Sekhar is meant to create a distinct explanation about two crucial topics in management; business policy and strategic management. The book is meant to explain that business policy is the key ingredient in the creation of the management point of view. The book is also meant to describe the functions and responsibilities of a manager. It acts as a guide to managers in the running of their daily business and a definition of their key roles and responsibilities in order to achieve a successful organization and to enjoy their work. The book describes strategic management as the organization’s concentration on its main aim of being in business. It is the making of decisions that anticipate the uncertain future while putting realism into consideration. The book also describes the actions that a manager should perform in order to strategize with brevity and variety. The manager should develop a skill that converts his thoughts into actions and later to results and in the end a successful organization.


Willmott, H., et al. Organization theory and design. United Kingdom: Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010. Print.


As the title of Willmott’s book suggests, the book is about the design of an organization and the theory behind it. Also importantly, the book describes the role of the top management in an organization and their role in terms of the direction in which the company takes, the effectiveness of the organization and its design. The book also talks about how the management influences the performance of his/her inferiors or those under his leadership directly. A fraudulent manager creates fraudulent support staff and so on. The manager is also the main source of motivation for the rest of the staff as described in the book. The manager’s attitude, position and role in the company is described as having a very important part in the running of the organization. This is because he determines and directly influences the attitudes, behaviors and performance of the rest of the staff. Management influence and pressure is said to run from top to bottom on the leadership chain.


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