
Case Study: Media analysis


Written Media Analysis on an Effective Leader, and the Leadership Theoretical framework or Model Analyzed consistent with the leader’s traits and style of leadership).


Purpose of Assignment


Each student has to submit a PowerPoint slide presentation that illustrates an in depth analysis of a famous figure whose style aligns with a specific theory or model of leadership.



Most importantly, do not forget that in your media analysis, you must focus on one leader who you will select to analyze according to a specific theory of leadership, such as transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, or according to the trait attributes of the theory. Must be a PowerPoint presentation and a written report 1- 2 page analysis with citations, 12pt. font, Times New Roman or Arial.







Written Report


1.   The report must use your own language and should specify the reference(s) from which the information is taken. If you cut and paste a sentence you must use quotation marks and write the author, year, and page number in brackets in the text after the quotation.


2.   The report must:

  • use Times New Romans or Arial, font size: 12
  • be 3 full pages in length (not including the reference list)
  • be written in the third person (do not use “I” or “my” or “our” or “we”)
  • have a reference for each section (excluding the Conclusion)
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