Justify how criminal law changed the fire industry

Complete a research paper based the following court cases below as examples of how they impacted the way the fire service “does business.” Include an abstract in the paper.

Commonwealth V Levesque 436 Mass. 443 (2002)
Commonwealth V Welansky 316 Mass. 383 (1944)
Commonwealth V cali 247 Mass. 20, 141 N.E. 510 (1923)

As a guide, consider the following questions.

1.    Was the effect permanent?
2.    Did it produce legislation?
3.    How did it affect the fire departments?
4.    Where are legislation and legal cases going in this area?
5.    How did it change, or not change fire departments?
6.    What changes need to be made in order to prevent this from harming the fire departments?
7.    Also look at what we did wrong?

Justify how criminal law changed the fire industry.

Times New Roman 12 point font and double-spaced throughout
Five academically critical sources and no older than 5 years if not used from the cases above

The research paper must be in the format of a position paper for the fire departments with the idea that this is to be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to clarify or correct a problem with the issue being addressed. As this is being written for politicians insure that you write clearly and present any options and why you chose the option you did and the legal and regulatory backup for your decision. Transition from one idea to another should be smooth. The following criteria are essential for this research paper:

1) introduction providing a thesis statement;

2) body providing a discussion of central themes supported by properly cited sources; and,

3) conclusion drawing together the themes of the paper in a succinct and persuasive manner.

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