Please read the question carefully it ask you to write a scar

Content Review


* Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2 3 paragraphs in length.

* Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.

* Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to.

1.Consider how understanding and being skillful in using an array of positive guidance strategies supports an early childhood professional in responding to children in an authoritative, and non-authoritarian, way. Then, in your own words, explain how you would use the decision-making model of child guidance to determine the best strategy for responding to a childs specific behavior. Include considerations that you would keep in mind as you apply the decision-making model.

2. Self-reflection is a vital part of using positive guidance strategies with young children. Analyze the strategies presented in Chapter 5 and consider which you would feel comfortable using with young children and which may be more difficult for you to use. Describe one strategy that you could use comfortably and explain why. Identify one strategy that could be challenging for you and explain your concerns. Then describe a proactive approach that you could take to overcome your concerns and use this strategy effectively.

3. It is critical that adults help children learn positive strategies for solving problems and conflicts. Put yourself in the place of a preschool teacher working with a new aide who lacks skills in this area. Write a script or a brief summary that explains to the aide why children need to be active participants in solving their own problems and conflicts, and how to support children with appropriate strategies.

Required Resources

Course Text: Guidance of Young Children
Chapter 5, “Positive Guidance and Discipline Strategies: Direct Guidance” (pp.112 146)
Chapter 13, “Apply Your Knowledge: Use the Decision-Making Model of Child Guidance” (pp. 307-325)

Course DVD: Guiding Young Childrens Behavior
Problem Solving(approximate length: 9 minutes)

Dr. Marilyn Gootman explains the process and the benefits of teaching young children to be problem solvers.

Conflict Resolution in Practice (approximate length: 7 minutes)

This classroom demonstration illustrates the way conflict resolution can be taught to young children and underscores its importance as an essential life skill.

Supplemental Resources

Article: Problem-Solving Program Teaches Kids How To Use Their Heads Instead of Their Fists”

Web Site: ACT: Adults and Children Together Against Violence
Resolving Conflicts at the ChildCare Center & School

Discipline at the Childcare Center & School

Discipline at Home

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