How the cricket lost its song

Title slide is present & contains all necessary information (see guidelines) –

Formatting follows guidelines and all slides are clear and readable

Citation slide is included & formatted correctly

1) Introduction

– Appropriate amount of text on slides (important info is included, but no full sentences, etc.)

– Structured BROAD to Narrow

– Includes clear hypothesis/goal/primary question

– Relevant/accurate /Appropriate amount of information provided in oral presentation

•Coral Reefs declining worldwide
•Loss of important habitat for many species
•One cause: Competition with algae
•Coral cannot re-establish in areas where algae dominates
•Previous studies show Herbivores on algae (sea urchins or snails) may help coral
•Herbivore exclusion experiments: increase algae, increase coral death
•Herbivore inclusion: increases coral growth
•Unknown: Benefits of herbivores may vary between different substrates & herbivore species
•Questions: Does type of herbivore impact coral recruitment/growth? Does type of substrate impact coral recruitment/growth?

2) Methods

– Appropriate amount of text on slides (important info is included, but no full sentences, etc.)

– Relevant/accurate/ Appropriate amount of information provided in oral presentation

– Includes a relevant photo w/ photo citation

3) Results

– Includes two graphs that are relevant to the hypothesis/primary question (& at least one graph is from the scientific paper)

– Includes bullet points that point out key patterns/trends shown in graphs accurately

– Oral presentation t provides an accurate summary of each graph

4) Discussion

Appropriate amount of text on slides (important info is included, but no full sentences, etc.)

Slide includes whether or not hypothesis was supported or answer to primary question/goal

Oral presentation sums up the conclusions of the study & explains why hypothesis was or wasn’t supported

Oral presentation provides summary of the overall importance of this study/what it helps us understand as well as any questions that remain to be addressed/future studies

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