Haematology Practical Lab Report

Haematology Practical – Lab Report Guidance for Students


  • Follow the practical schedule and make amendments if any are indicated for the haematology session.
  • Fill in the proforma however do not submit this.
  • Use your individual proforma to help write the full report
  • Full laboratory report is required – 25% of module mark


Mark distribution

  • Abstract – 5%
  • Introduction – 10%
  • Materials and Methods – 5%
  • Results – Information in figures, tables and calculations – 25%
  • Results – Text information – 10%
  • Discussion – 35% (Lab results discussion 20%, case study 15%)
  • Correct referencing – 5%
  • Format & presentation – 5%



  • 150 – 200 words approx – summary of report
  • Reporting results including quantitative data
  • The abstract should introduce the topic in the first sentence and present the main conclusion in the last sentence.
  • The method should not be described, references must not be cited, and abbreviations must be defined.



  • 500-600 words
  • Composition of blood.
  • Normal values of blood counting
  • Haemoglobin and Haematocrit explainations and methods used from literature.
  • Disorders associated with values outside the normal ranges
  • Do not simply repeat the introduction written in the schedule.
  • Cite references
  • Ends with aims of the practical



  • Do not replicate schedule, refer to this in your method, list equipment used and give one or two sentences summarising the methods.
  • State any amendments/relevant details
  • Highlight any technical difficulties


Results (1):


  • Results in tables and graphs

–        Title and number of tables

–        For this practical create a table indicating the parameter used, raw data where applicable, full calculation, final answer, indication of final result with respect to human and rat reference ranges i.e. within range, above range etc.

–        Calculation, always include the units of measurement

–        Sketch of blood film (scanned in/removed from proforma)


Results (2):

  • Results in text

–        The Results describe what you have got during the practical

–        Lead the reader through the data describing the main features

–        Tables and graphs are your evidence, and you need to use text to tell the reader the details of your findings.




  • Discussion of the results not description

–        ~800 words

–        Compare your results with literature (don’t forget to cite references)

–        Explain the underlying meaning of the data you got

–        Any significance?

–        Any limitations?

–        Consider the technical aspects of the practical, any improvements?

–        Use questions in proforma to guide your discussion

–        Report the questions for the case study as a discussion, use the number of marks from the practical schedule to guide the amount to write.

–        Conclusions of overall report.


Correct referencing


  • Correct citations in the text (2.5%)
  • Correct bibliography listed at the end of the report (2.5%)
  • Faculty guidelines – HP StudyNet site, Teaching Resources, Referencing System


Format & presentation


All elements are there:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion,
  • References

They are neatly presented





Amended Clinical Data for the Case Study


Mrs Wan a 70 year old Chinese lady reports to her GP because she has been feeling very tired.

Mrs Wan informs her GP that she has been getting out of breath when walking up stairs which

she never had any problem with in the past. On examination Mrs Wan has pallor of the skin,

conjunctiva and nail beds.  Mrs Wan is a strict vegetarian.

The GP performs a blood count and the results are;


Parameter                                                                           Result             (Reference range)

WBC (White Blood Cells)                                             6.2                         (4.0-11.0 x 109/L)

RBC (Red Blood Cells)                                                    3.2                         (3.8-4.8 x 109/L)

Hb (Haemoglobin)                                                          6.8                         (12.0-15.0 g/dL)

Hct (Haematocrit)                                                            0.23                       (0.36-0.46 l/l)

MCV (Mean Cell Volume)                                            71                          (83.0-101.0 fl)

MCH (Mean Cell Haemoglobin)                                 22.2                       (27.0-32.0 pg)

MCHC (Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration)                29.5                       (31.5-34.5 g/dL)





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