Effects of Gender on Bullying

This Application Assignment will give you experience writing components of a research prospectus that would adopt a qualitative method.
To prepare for this assignment:
Review the studies you have read in your area of interest. Reflect on patterns and consider gaps, that is, what is still unknown or could be known in the area.
Review all readings assigned in Weeks 8 and 9, paying particular attention to the characteristics of qualitative research methods and generic as well as specific steps taken for analyzing qualitative data.
Review Chapter 7 in the course text, specifically pages 129132, taking note of how to clearly state qualitative research questions.
Review the Study Notes related to qualitative sampling procedures and sample size. Choose a sampling procedure and sample size for a study in your area of interest.
Based on the reading, Discussions and Applications you have completed thus far, and given your area of interest, consider a research question (this research question may or may not be one you have previously posed) that you could ask that would fill a gap (that is, elucidate something that is still unknown) that could be answered with a qualitative research design.
Consider why a qualitative method would be an appropriate approach for the study of your question(s), which specific inquiry orientation would select for your research question(s), and why you would select this approach.
The assignment:
Create a document that has three clearly defined sections (listed below), and that totals no more than 3 pages in length.
o Research Question(s). State the research question(s) you are proposing to study.
o Qualitative Research Orientation. Clearly state why a qualitative method would be appropriate given your research question(s), the inquiry orientation you would draw upon, defending why it is an appropriate strategy to use.
o Research Design. Include the following information in this Research Design section:
a. Role of Researcher. Briefly, but explicitly, state biases, values, personal interest in the area, and experience with it, and discuss how these would affect your study.
b. Sample Size. Given the type of research you would conduct, state how many participants/items you would plan to study.
c. Sample and Context. Define the sample you would propose to study and its characteristics. If studying human participants, this should include, but is not limited to: 1) age, 2) gender, 3) ethnicity, 4) additional cultural factors, and 5) education level. If studying artifacts, media, etc., state relevant characteristics. Also give the context as appropriate, for example, city characteristics, organizational characteristics, etc.

d. Sampling Procedure. Define your method of sampling. Your description should include how you would gain access to participants/items.
e. Data Type and Collection. State the type of data you would collect and how it would be collected.

f. Data Analysis. Briefly describe the steps you would take to analyze the data.

g. Ethical Protection of Participants. State briefly any ethical issues you foresee with your study.

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