
Option 2 Media vs. Research
For this assignment students are required to find an article from a major news/media outlet that describes the impact of one of the disorders discussed in this course on children or youth populations.  The article must cite research findings in order to be acceptable for this option.
Major media outlets would include things such as Time, Newsweek, Parenting etc.  All article must have appeared in print at one time or another. This means the article can be found on the web for the paper, but must have a publication date for print sources as well.  Students should then do the following:
1)    Provide a full review of the article including but not limited to the following:
a.    How does the article describe the disorder?
b.    How do they suggest it should be diagnosed?
c.    What treatment options does the article discuss?
d.    What recommendations does the article make for the afflicted person and or their parents to help cope with the situation?
e.    What evidence does the article cite to support their assertions (i.e. medical personnel, case studies, patient/parent accounts, research etc.)?
2)    For the next part of the paper students should try and locate at least one research reference cited by the media article and describe how the research article was used by the press article. This section of the paper should address at a minimum the following areas, but other pertinent information in the students opinion is welcomed.
a.    Was the research factually represented?
i.    Did they leave research findings out?
ii.    Did they misrepresent any of the findings?
iii.    What aspects of the research did they correctly report?
3)    The next section of this paper should use the materials from this class.  The following areas need to be addressed for full credit.
a.    Given what we have learned in the course, what aspects of the disorder did the media article focus on vs. areas that we have studied that could have been included:
i.    i.e. causes, correlates and comorbid conditions
b.    Given what we have learned about this disorder in this course, how do their treatment recommendations fit with all alternative treatment choices?
d.    Given the course materials and the media materials, would you recommend this article to parents with children manifesting this disorder. Why or why not?

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