Digital Storytelling Of Muslim Scholar Inventions Adapted From Islamic Ancient Manuscript

This section includes a fully referenced review and discussion of previous studies, which are relevant to the research, which should include:

Explain to the reader, the state of the arts facts about the problem

An in depth and critical representation of what other researcher /writer /experts has written about the issue, either supportive or contradictory. Establish which aspect of the issue that has not been covered yet by anyone, that could then be your new contribution to knowledge.

Identify and establish any grounded theory adopted by others about this subject that you may duplicate or based your study on. Decide whether to adopt or adapt any of the established procedures and if so, explain its relationship to the local problem conditions / parameters.

Indicate what will be the strength of this research if pursued, and what will be its potential weakness. Relate how these global/world views literature findings relate to your local problem at hand.

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