Culture and Disease Paper

Pick an infectious disease in which you are interested in, such as Tuberculosis, AIDS, the Bird Flu, Anthrax, or Chickenpox. This infectious disease must be different from your “Disease in the News” infectious disease. As part of your investigation, select a population of interest. For example, a particular race or ethnicity and how they relate to your infectious disease. In a 1,400-1,750 word paper explore the social and cultural aspects of the disease. Include the following information:
a.    Describe the agent of disease.
b.    Describe the factors that make this particular population vulnerable to the disease.
c.    Describe environmental factors that make the population vulnerable to the disease.
d.    What are the modes for disease transmission?
e.    What methods are used to control the spread of the disease? Are there alternative methods used by the selected population for treatment? What is the effect of alternate treatments?
f.    What role do social and/or cultural influences play in the disease for a particular population? What are the effects of the populations’ beliefs and values have on treatment options?

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