Book Report

Book Name, source needed :
Bellah, R., R. Madsen, W. Sullivan, A. Swidler, & S. Tipton, The good society. New York: Knopf, 1981.

Assignment Instructions:
Read and report in class the book selected. For the class period devoted to your book you must: (1) select the key arguments in the book and outline those arguments indicating particular pages where an interested reader might review the arguments.
(2) Distribute the key arguments to the class
(3) During your presentation distribute a two-page Discussion Guide. One page of this Guide should list the ten most important arguments, observations or facts put fourth in the book. The second page should list the ten most important lessons the book teaches about political discourse. Both lists should be propositional, consisting of short, declarative sentences. During the class session, you will have 20 minutes to provide any necessary amplifications of your point and implications of the book for political communication.

* Please note that I need to submit an outline before the presentation which is # 1 and 2 So, clearly point them out to me, then the presentation will take place on the third point.

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