Barry McKeown Lecture Series with Dr. Leah Robinson

The video links are down below. They are in two parts.

Title: “Getting the fundamentals: the importance of motor skills to children’s growth and development”

Dr. Robinson’s research agenda takes a developmental approach to three complementary areas: motor skill acquisition, physical activity, and developmental health in preschool and school-age children. She seeks to understand the underlying mechanisms of motor skill acquisition, or, What drives a child’s ability to move? Leah implements interventions in school-based settings to maximize physical activity, motor skills, health, and development in pediatric populations. She then explores how these interventions contribute to children’s developmental trajectories. The overarching goal of her research is encouraging children to be physically active and to ensure that they enter school healthy, active, and ready to learn.

Discussion Questions:

1. Please briefly introduce the main contents of Dr. Robinson’s talk.

2. Do you perceive any relationship of this topic with our Applied Motor Behavior course –how does this topic may apply to the relevant fields (e.g., PE, sports, Rehabilitation)?

Video Link Part 1:
Video Link Part 2:

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