An act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality, Accountable Health Care”

Need 10 total sources, five its given on website

and the five topics in the attachments and the other five you have to find it










Management 330                          RESEARCH PAPER                           March 30, 2011


Please write a 5-page, double-spaced paper on the following topic.  The paper is due in class on Wednesday, April 13.  As a matter of fairness, late papers will be graded down.


In 2006, Massachusetts passed “An Act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality, Accountable Health Care” (Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006).  What are the main provisions of this law?  Why was it adopted?  How well has it worked?  What lessons might the federal government learn from the Massachusetts experience?      


Please start by consulting the following sources available through E-Journals at the Healey Library:


  • Marcia Angell, “Health Reform You Shouldn’t Believe In,” The American Prospect, May 2008, A15-18


  • Scott Helman, “Lobbyists Took in $7.5m on Health Bill; Industry Boosts Spending by Third,” The Boston Globe, April 5, 2006, A1


  • Robert Steinbrook, “Health Care Reform in Massachusetts – A Work in Progress,” The New England Journal of Medicine, May 18, 2006, 2095-2098


  • Grace-Marie Turner, “Costs Keep Rising” and Michael S. Widmer, “A Great Success,” The Wall Street Journal, October 27, 2009, R8

In addition, please use at least five other sources, one of which must be a journal (not newspaper or magazine) article.  For assistance, stop by at the Healey Library’s reference desk (open M-F, 9am-5pm).


For writing tips, please see p. 3 of the course syllabus.  I also encourage you to attend the free drop-in workshops at the Reading, Writing, and Study Strategies Center (see the attached flyer for hours and location).






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