What qualities, strengths and flaws does the main character possess that are unique, odd, frustrating, infuriating, hilarious, heartrending, touching, inspiring?

Review Sheet: Al Pacino

1. What qualities, strengths and flaws does the main character possess that are unique, odd, frustrating, infuriating, hilarious, heartrending, touching, inspiring? Name a few key qualities that make the character… accessible/sympathetic/compelling/endearing/revolting/memorable.
In his movies, Al Pacino comes off as a strong character, which is both mentally and physically strong. He gives the impression that he fits in into macho roles easily. However, his main weakness lies in emotional expressions, but his strong screen presence makes up for it. He is memorable due to his prowess in fights and his charisma.

2. Are these qualities visible in / linked to the character’s costume? His/her hair? His/her makeup? The way the actor playing him/her acts/walks? Is blocked/staged? Is lit? How do the props and setting enhance/highlight the main characters key qualities? Does the cinematography highlight these qualities? How so? 2B. Give examples. Think of a scene in the beginning, middle and end of the film where the mise-en-scene highlights these qualities.
The qualities are linked in Al Pacino’s costumes as he always dresses up as a gangster. For instance, in the movie: the Godfather II”, Al Pacino’s costume was a black, custom-made suit, which gives the impression that he is financially affluent. The cinematography supports this illusion, as he is cast in a serene environment. Shadows are employed throughout the film to create an eerie feeling. For instance, the opening shot shows a close up of Bonasera, and the Godfather is in a dark-lit area at the background.

3. Do these character qualities drive the plot and/or story in some ways? If so, think of a scene in the beginning of the film where these qualities come into play – cause something to happen. Next, think of a scene in the middle of the film where these qualities come into play. Lastly, think of a scene in the end of the film.
The character is depicted as a hapless character at the start of the movie as he introduces his girlfriend, showing no indication of his fighting prowess. Here, the audience figures out that the character is strong and powerful. In the middle of the movie, Michael kills Solozo and McCluskey in a restaurant. Towards the end of the movie, Michael forces Carlo to confess about his influence in Sony’s murder.

4. Do these qualities figure into the character’s personal history, his/her present occupation (or lack thereof)? His/her love life? His/her future plans?
Interestingly, the qualities are related to Al Pacino’s personal history as he is knon to engage in various brawls with people, but not to the extent of killing them, as depicted in the movie. He has never married, which is another similarity between his movie persona and his personal history. He is also stubborn, as he has turned down various movie roles that did fir into his classic style.

5. How does the genre(s) of the film lend itself/themselves to highlighting these qualities/strengths/weaknesses?
The Grandfather’s film genre, which is a mix of action and mafia themes, highlight his qualities. He is always involved in power struggles, and he handles conflict through physical confrontations, therefore emphasizing on his physical prowess.

6. Can you link these qualities, strengths and flaws to the themes of the film?
The main theme of the film “Godfather” is vengeance for the injustices committed against the family. Al Pacino’s persona in the movie successfully metes out justice by fighting off the people who betrayed the family.

7. Can you link these qualities, strengths and flaws to the culture/time period in which the film was made? How so? Do you believe that these qualities, strengths and flaws are meant to teach us something about what it means to be human? American?
The Godfather was released in 1972, at a time when the society struggled with social injustices. The movie depicts that ordinary American citizens can take it upon themselves to correct social injustices, and that they should not just leave the role to the people in authority. This is a lesson in the empowerment of humanity; that we possess strengths that can be used to solve our challenges.

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