What kind of scientific evidence suggests that our memories of events are continually modified long after the events have occurred?

ssignment 2

Eyewitness Testimony 

Eyewitness testimony can be used as evidence in criminal court cases to decide the innocence or guilt of a defendant.  The truthfulness of eyewitness testimony depends importantly on the assumption that memory is accurate.  But how good is our memory?  What kind of scientific evidence suggests that our memories of events are continually modified long after the events have occurred?  What are the implications for us as individuals, and for society?

→ Be sure you have read “Eyewitness Testimony” on pp. 202 – 203 in Mastering the World of Psychology before beginning this assignment.

First, watch a short video of Elizabeth Loftus and Gary Wells describing their research on eyewitness memory.


Next, watch a 60 Minutes TV segment called “Eyewitness” (26-min. total timeabout the story of Jennifer Thomson whose eyewitness testimony helped to put Ronald Cotton in jail for eleven years for the crime of rape.  Her story is a classic example of how memory can be distorted and the terrible consequences that can follow. 

60 minutes TV Segment (Pt. 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-SBTRLoPuo

WARNING:  At 0:45 – 1:45 is a graphic description of the crime.

60 minutes TV segment (Pt. 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4V6aoYuDcg

Essay DirectionsWrite a reflection paper on the story of Jennifer Thompson and Ronald Cotton.  In your essay, use your knowledge of the scientific study of memory (especially on eyewitness testimony) and discuss what specific errors authorities made in their handling of this case and why Jennifer was so confident in the identification of her assailant.  End your essay by discussing your opinion on the value of eyewitness testimony in courts of law.

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