What are the most critical technologies in your workplace?

Personal and Professional Growth

Each student comes to this course with his or her own unique set of experiences, knowledge base, and perspectives. It is therefore to be expected that you take different things away from this course and find different topics to be the most or least valuable.

This course has covered a range of management topics, including the functions of a manager, ethics, diversity, the global business environment, decision making and planning techniques, approaches to organizing and motivating employees, the complexity of leadership, group dynamics and human resource management, and the management of information systems and quality control.

Think about which of the many topics, theories, or concepts addressed in this course has or will mean the most to you in your current or future employment.

Submit by Day 7 a 350- to 700-word paper which addresses the following questions:

  • How have your attitude or perspectives on management changed or been reinforced by this course?
  • Which concept or piece of new information most surprised you? Why?
  • What knowledge or insights gained from this course will be the most useful or important to you as you proceed with your career? Why?

Application Assignments must be in APA style and format. Information on APA is available at the Walden Writing Center.


In addition to fully answering the assignment’s questions, this assignment will be evaluated for clarity of writing, critical analysis of the issues, proper use of references to support the positions taken, and adherence to APA standards. Also see this assignment’s rubric, provided in the Course Information area.



Required Resources


  • Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2014). Essentials of contemporary management (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Chapter 13, “Communication and Information Technology Management” (pp. 420–453)

      This chapter is about information systems and technology. You will also encounter ideas about face-to-face communication, written communication, and the communication process. Management information systems (MIS) have evolved tremendously over the past 30 years. This chapter looks at some of the types of MIS available, and why they are used.

      Focus on the definitions and concepts provided throughout this chapter. Think about how technological advances have made conducting business in the 21st century a very different enterprise than it was in the 19th or even the 20th century. Consider your own workplace experiences or some you are familiar with, as well as how technology has changed your workplace over time. What are the most critical technologies in your workplace? What technology would improve the efficiency or effectiveness of your workplace? Reflect on how technology is just a tool for achieving human processes and communications.

    • Chapter 14, “Operations Management: Managing Vital Operations and Processes” (pp. 454–484)

      This chapter addresses the subject of “operations management” and why it is so crucial to the success of any company. What are operations? What is “quality,” and why is quality a critical issue? In this chapter, you will also explore the answers to these questions, and you will consider why operations are so connected to the customer—the ultimate reason for any company’s existence.

      Focus on the definitions and concepts provided throughout this chapter. Think about how good operations management can help people achieve superior quality, greater efficiency, and satisfactory accountability to customers.

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