What advice would you give other people (or students) on how to read effectively?

hey. this assignment should be finished by 18:00 New york zone time.


For Blog 2, please choose a prompt below (you should only respond to ONE question in your blog post):

  • What advice would you give other people (or students) on how to read effectively? Consider sharing a process for reading and/or a series of tips. Make sure you’re clear about your intentions–are these tips for reading for an assignment for students, tips for reading for English Language Learners, tips for reading on a crowded train for commuters, etc.? Be clear about your audience.

  • Words Prompt steps:

    • Check out this poem by Glenn Freeman called “internet word of the day: hemidemisemiquaver.”

    • Now, check out Netlingo’s Word of the DayDictionary.com’s Word of the Day, or (if you’re feeling more adventurous) check out the Dictionary of Obscure Shadows (I’ve linked you to its archive where you can browse entries to the blog of different “undefinable words”).

    • Next, select a word from one of the 3 sources and write a poem in response to it (using Freeman as a model).

    • Finally, share your original poem and discuss in your blog your response to the exercise. What did you learn about reading, writing, and language from writing your own poem about a word?

  • Identify a *new* current topic in the news that is connected to reading/writing/communicating (you could return to your earlier issue, if you did this for Blog 1, if there’s been a significant update on it in the news). Respond to the current event, sharing your opinions on it (and letting your readers know why they should care too/get involved).

    Step 2: Source Attribution Expectations & Requirements

    This Reader Blog Project allows you to explore source attribution in ways you will use as a professional (in whatever field you go into). You do not have to use formal MLA or APA style but you MUST provide attribution to the sources of all graphics, resources, and information from resources that you share with your readers.

    For example, if you didn’t take the picture or create the graphic yourself, then you need to let us know who did. Notice that when you go to insert a graphic into your post in WordPress, on the right-hand side menu you can create a caption (that will go right below your graphic). You can tell us who created the graphic or where it came from. You can even link to the original source.

    When you share a resource’s ideas or content (in summary, paraphrase, or direct quotation) in your post, you should tell us in the sentence where the information comes from and link to that source. You are welcome to include a hyperlinked source list at the bottom of your post for your readers to follow too, if you’d like.


    For this Reader Blog 2, you will:

    • respond to one of the prompt questions above,

    • create 1 post that:

    o    is 800-1,000 words in length

    o    presents 1+ graphic

    o    presents 2+ sources that are integrated into your post’s message

    o    provides attribution for all borrowed graphics and information/sources

    o    responds to one of the blog prompts (presented above)

    o    and is free of mechanical errors that distract your readers, and

    • identify a specific audience to whom you’re writing.

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