How might turnover among team members affect team performance?




One feature of the teams in this case is frequent turnover among team members. How might turnover among team members affect team performance? What approaches can team leaders take to minimize potential negative impacts of turnover and gain advantages, if any?



Consumers or patients are sometimes involved in quality improvement teams, but in this role, they may feel that their voices are unimportant, or that their participation is symbolic rather than substantive. Do you think that consumers should be involved in the improvement teams in this case? Why or why not? If consumers are involved, how can team leaders and members most effectively utilize their knowledge and insights?



Even when team improvement efforts achieve change, the sustainability of change remains a pervasive challenge. In fact, sustainability of the teams themselves may be problematic. What are the particular obstacles to sustaining the improvements achieved by teams in this case? Similarly, what factors might lead to the dissolution of the improvement teams over time? As a team leader, what strategies might be used to sustain change and to uphold the vitality of the team over time?





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• Double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.


• The minimum response to each question should be approximately 100 words.


• Include at least one reference. The course textbook may count toward the reference requirement for this Assignment. All references should follow APA style format.


• For additional support, utilize the Kaplan Writing Center and review the document entitled, “Writing Center Resources,” found in Doc Sharing.

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