How is mental health a stigma? Where do stereotypes about mental health come from?

2) What are the 5 key elements of the social model of health? Explain using examples.

3) Explain how (insert 3 social determinants of health) is a social determinant of health?

4) Explain what we mean by emotion management and emotion labour. Use examples in your answer.

5) Define the self fulfilling prophecy. Use an example in your answer.

6) Explain how emotions occur in a social context? Refer to the example of grief in your answer.

7) Explain the link between mattering and suicide.

8) Explain how social support contributes to better health outcomes?

9) How is mental health a stigma? Where do stereotypes about mental health come from? Refer to 2 examples in your answer.

10) Explain how stressful events occur within a social context.

11) What are the 5 categories of stressors. Explain each one.

12) Discuss 3 common stressors for students. Explain possible responses to these stressors.

13) Explain how technology contributes to stress.


14) Explain the link between stress and health (look at both psychosocial health and physical health).

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