Given the challenges of operating in a diverse global environment, describe some necessary capabilities for achieving and sustaining a distinctive competitive advantage.

MGMT303 Final Exam Study Guide
1. The Final Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3 hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grading button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Final Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications.
2. You should click the Save Answers button in the exam frequently.
This helps prevent connection timeouts that might occur with certain Internet Service Providers and also minimizes lost answers in the event of connection problems. If your Internet connection does break, when you reconnect, you will normally be able to get back into your Final Exam without any trouble. Remember, though, that the exam timer continues to run while students are disconnected, so students should try to login in again as quickly as possible. The Help Desk cannot grant any student additional time on the exam.
3. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
4. Reminders
• You will only be able to enter your online Final Exam one time.
• Click the Save Answers button often.
• If you lose your Internet connection during your Final Exam, log on again and try to access your Final Exam. If you are unable to enter the Final Exam, first contact the Help Desk and then your instructor.
• You will always be able to see the time remaining in the Final Exam at the top right of the page.

5. Assessments With Multiple Pages
• Make sure you click the Save Answers button before advancing to the next page (we also suggest clicking on Save Answers while you are working).
• Complete all of the pages before submitting your Final Exam for instructor review.
• Do NOT use your browser’s Back and Forward buttons during the Final Exam.
• Please use the provided links for navigation.

6. Submitting Your Final Exam
• When you are finished with the Final Exam, click on the Submit for Grading button.
• Please note: Once you click the Submit for Grading button, you will NOT be able to edit or change any of your answers.

7. Exam Questions
• There are 10 randomly selected multiple choice questions each worth 7 points for a total of 70 points.
• There are 7 randomly selected short answer questions each worth 10 points for a total of 70 points.
• There are 4 randomly selected essay questions each worth 20 points for a total of 80 points.
• The Final Exam covers all course TCOs and Weeks 1–7.
• The Final Exam questions are pooled. This means that not everyone will have the same questions. Even if you do have some of the same questions, they may not be in the same order. These questions are distributed amongst the TCOs. The entire exam is worth 220 points.
• On the essay questions, your answers should be succinct, fully address each part of the question, and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding in a concise but complete answer. Most essay questions require answers that are a couple of paragraphs (not a couple of sentences) that directly speak to each part of the question. Some students opt to work on the essay questions first, due to their higher point value and length of time needed to adequately address each question, but this is entirely your choice.
• Remember to always use proper citation when quoting other sources. This means that ANY borrowed material (even a short phrase) should be placed in quotation marks with the source (URL, author/date/page #) immediately following the end of the passage (the end quote). Changing a few words in a passage does NOT constitute putting it in your own words and proper citation is still required. Borrowed material should NOT dominate a student’s work, but should only be used sparingly to support your own thoughts, ideas, and examples. Heavy usage of borrowed material (even if properly cited) can jeopardize the points for that question. Uncited material can jeopardize a passing grade on the exam. As a part of our commitment to academic integrity, your work may be submitted to, an online plagiarism checking service. So please be VERY mindful of proper citation.
8. Some of the key study areas are below. Although these are key areas, remember that the exam is comprehensive for all of the assigned course content and this study guide may not be all inclusive.
• TCO 1
o Functions of management
o Managerial roles
o Areas of management
• TCO 2
o SWOT elements
o Internal environment
o External environment and dimensions of
 General
 Task
o Corporate governance
o Porter’s five competitive forces
• TCO 3
o Social responsibility
o Organizational ethics
o Managerial ethics
o Stakeholders
• TCO 4
o International business activity
o Environmental challenges of international business
o Multicultural environment
o Multiculturalism and competitive advantage
o Individual and organizational approaches to diversity
• TCO 5
o Organizational mission statement
o Organizational goals
 Strategic
 Tactical
 Operational
o Organizational plans
o Contingency and reaction plans
o Distinctive competence
o Business and corporate level strategies
o Decision making
• TCO 6
o Business plans
o Types of business ownership
o Entrepreneurs
o Types of financing available to new business owners
• TCO 7
o Job design
o Job specialization
o Alternatives to specialization
o Departmentalization
o Change
 Reasons for resistance
 Overcoming resistance
 Implementing change
o Re-engineering
• TCO 8
o Motivation theories
o Leadership and power
o Leadership styles
o Performance evaluations and appraisals
o Recruiting
o Perceptional processes
• TCO 9
o Formal versus informal leaders
o Communication
 Grapevine
 Organizational
o Advantages and disadvantages of written communication
o Individual barriers to communication
 What they are
 Overcoming barriers
o Work teams/intergroups
 Conflicts
 Cohesion
• TCO 10
o Characteristics of effective controls
o Operations control
o Bureaucratic and decentralized control
o Financial controls, structural controls, and strategic controls
9. Areas that were discussed in the threads will be prime targets.
• You are able to go back and review all the weekly discussions.
10. Assignments will also be prime targets for revisiting.
• You are able to review your assignments and your instructor comments in your Gradebook.
11. Reviewing the TCOs, which I have listed below for your convenience, will also be a great preparation for the Final Exam.

1 Given a description of a specific business enterprise, write a management job description that incorporates the basic activities that comprise the management process and the job of a manager.
2 Given a continuous scanning of one’s actual and potential environments (internal, external, and interfaces), analyze a case describing a business about to expand or contract in its market by preparing a SWOT document that collectively analyzes the effect of the proposed expansion or contraction on the company’s profitability and that recommends a course of action based on your analysis.
3 Given a business dilemma with ethical implications, fully analyze all facets of the situation, reconcile the divergent perspectives, and prepare a report of your recommendations for action.
4 Given the challenges of operating in a diverse global environment, describe some necessary capabilities for achieving and sustaining a distinctive competitive advantage.
5 Given an example of a strategic business plan, evaluate how well the company’s short and long term goals support its stated vision and mission, and make recommendations for changes that would allow for more effective decision making and operational execution.
6 Given that the flow of ideas and initiative are essential ingredients for improvement and innovation in organizations of all sizes, compare and contrast entrepreneurs to intrapreneurs and how each selects from their respective portfolio of opportunities.
7 Given the challenges organizations face in a dynamically changing marketplace, identify and discuss the key issues associated with linking organizational design and structural decisions to strategic fit, outcomes, and goals.
8 Given a desire to attract and maintain a highly talented work force, describe a human resource approach that incorporates motivation theory, emotional intelligence, and leadership development as fundamental drivers of a successful culture in a healthy work environment.
9 Given an interpersonal conflict or power struggle within an organization, suggest a resolution that demonstrates an understanding of each of the following: the communication process; issues and methods of fostering cooperation and collaboration within work groups and teams; how the relationship between an individual’s personality and their perception of an organization affects attitudes and behavior; and the benefits of dignifying individual contribution.
10 Given the potential of process controls to regulate organizational activities and provide complete, accurate, and timely feedback to all hierarchical levels across an organization’s set of internal and external stakeholders, analyze the trade-off between system policies that aim to support high quality, efficiency, and productivity with more relaxed and informal practices that are less likely to inhibit flexibility and adaptability.

Finally, if you have any questions for me, please post them to our Q & A Forum, or e-mail me. Good luck on the exam!

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