Gemany’s motivation for WWII.

Paris Peace conference, treaty of Versailles.

The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles – 1914–1920 – Milestones – Office of the Historian. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from


  1. The Dawes plan.

The Dawes Plan, the Young Plan, German Reparations, and Inter-allied War Debts – 1921–1936 – Milestones – Office of the Historian. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from


  1. World Power

Germany’s Superpower Quest Caused World War I. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from


  1. Germany’s need for oil

The Quest for Fuel in WWII. (1993). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from

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