Evaluate the current state of your organization, using the principles and stages discussed in Senge’s article.

The concept of the learning organization is relatively new in human resources management. Developing a learning organization approach can help the organization create and sustain a competitive advantage in the industry.

The Senge article from your studies for this unit describes the principles that define learning organizations. For this discussion, complete the following:

  • Evaluate the current state of your organization, using the principles and stages discussed in Senge’s article. (You can use the organization where you currently work or have worked, where you have volunteered, or where you have been involved in some way—as long as you have sufficient information to fully answer these questions.)
  • Identify the essential factors that would enable your organization to become a learning organization.
  • Describe what you could do, as an HRM professional in your organization, to help your organization transition into a learning organization.

Both discussion need to have 3 paragraphs and 2 references

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