
Yurang’s Revenge

Yurang’s Revenge is a story based on one of the events in ancient China that occurred towards the end of the Chunqiu era. During this period, a civil war broke out between the clan of Zhi and the clans of Fan, Zhonghang, Zao, Han and Wey. Zhi was conquered and the count of Zhi was […]

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Health Care Spending

  Health Care Spending             As the cost of healthcare continues to increase the number of uninsured Americans that are delaying or avoiding medical care has become a major economic concern. Efforts to improve the current healthcare spending issues must take place before the demand of baby boomers needing healthcare increases at a rate that […]

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Latino Drug Cartels

The Latino drug cartels constitute of an extensive well organized network operating in rural Mexico especially on the northern frontier. The cartels have been able to thrive because of the minimal presence of the government authorities in this area. The cartels have also infiltrated the government with police authorities, judges and legislators being lured by […]

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The sixth amendment

  The federal constitution through the Sixth Amendment guarantees a suspect in a criminal case the right to a speedy trial held in a public court room before an impartial jury in the State and district where he is alleged to have committed the crime. The State or district should be established by law. The […]

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Social dilemma

A social dilemma is bound to occur when an individual’s rational interests come into conflict with the collective or the group interests. When faced with a dilemma between personal rational interests or group interests, an individual will naturally seek his own interests even if this may eventually work against everyone including the individual. The individual […]

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Marine Mammals and Diving

Marine mammals can go without breathing for as long as thirty minutes while diving. On the other hand, human divers can dive to a maximum of 60 meters while holding their breath for about a minute. Marine mammals have special adaptations which enable them to hold breath for such long periods without damaging vital organs. […]

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Explain The Decision to Send Canadian Combat Troops to Afghanistan

POL208Y5Y Introduction to International Relations Fall/Winter Session 2008-2009, University of Toronto at Mississauga First Term Paper Prof. Steven Bernstein Length: 7-9 pages Worth: 15 % of your final course grade Due: Nov. 12, 2008 Explain The Decision to Send Canadian Combat Troops to Afghanistan Essay Question: Which level of analysis best explains the decision of […]

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The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China was initially constructed over 2,000 years ago, by Qin Shi Huangdi who was the first emperor of China during the Qin (Ch’in) Dynasty (221 B.C – 206 B.C.). The Great Wall of China is a collection of short walls which follow the crest of hills on the southern edge of […]

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The Field of Dental Assisting

Abstract This paper is a brief but to some extent a comprehensive look at the field of dental assisting. It begins by looking at the education and training requirements of dental assistants. Here we look at the institutions which offer training in this field and the regulatory bodies which enforce the practice through certain mandatory […]

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How much does the presence of a penalty stop crime

Criminal punishment serves three purposes; reform, changing an offender’s behavior; incapacitation, making the offender unable to perpetrate another crime; and deterrence, imposing a tough penalty that deters the offender from committing the offense. The rules of natural justice dictate that an offender takes full responsibility for his offence, a criminal pays for his crime, and […]

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