
What was the “Triangular Trade”?

What was the “Triangular Trade”?

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What happened to China and India during the period of European expansion in the New World?

What happened to China and India during the period of European expansion in the New World?

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What were some of the ways that the ancient Greeks helped to create a Western “Individualistic” culture?

What were some of the ways that the ancient Greeks helped to create a Western “Individualistic” culture?

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What were “scribes” in the ancient empires of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China?

What were “scribes” in the ancient empires of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China?

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What was so important about science (astronomy, physics, medicine) in the Renaissance?

What was so important about science (astronomy, physics, medicine) in the Renaissance?

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What was unique about African societies before the coming of Islam and Christianity?

What was unique about African societies before the coming of Islam and Christianity?

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How did Islam contribute to the rise of the Renaissance in Europe?

How did Islam contribute to the rise of the Renaissance in Europe?

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Why do we consider Sub-Saharan Africa as a crossroads of cultures?

Why do we consider Sub-Saharan Africa as a crossroads of cultures?

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Why was the Protestant Reformation successful during the 1500s and onward when other movements earlier were not?

Why was the Protestant Reformation successful during the 1500s and onward when other movements earlier were not?

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Why could European nations able to colonize the New World in the 1500s onward but could not support colonies founded in the 1000s by Vikings?

Why could European nations able to colonize the New World in the 1500s onward but could not support colonies founded in the 1000s by Vikings?

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