
Discuss the promotion strategies of your company.

Marketing Plan This week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching the SAME company that you researched in previous units. Again, utilizing the CSU Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company. In Unit VI you will provide a comprehensive discussion of the promotion […]

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Identify three of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution and justify your choices.

Assignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution   The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once […]

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Identify someone who is successful in your desired area of Mastery, and write an in- depth research paper that correlates his or her journey to the course textbook concepts:

Instructions for the assignment is also in a video. The assignment instructions starts at mark 19:00 (mins) on the video link below. https://vimeo.com/154805035     Assignment Goal Identify someone who is successful in your desired area of Mastery, and write an in- depth research paper that correlates his or her journey to the course textbook […]

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What advice would you give other people (or students) on how to read effectively?

hey. this assignment should be finished by 18:00 New york zone time.   For Blog 2, please choose a prompt below (you should only respond to ONE question in your blog post): What advice would you give other people (or students) on how to read effectively? Consider sharing a process for reading and/or a series of tips. […]

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what is reproducibility?

what is reproducibility

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Calculate the signal to noise ratio given RMS Noise Voltage = 20mV and RMS Signal Voltage = 2.5V

This item covers Modules 5-8.  Scan, handwrite answers and upload solutions.  Show all required calculations for full credit. Design a 16-Bit DAC Circuit Calculate the values for all resistors Include calculations and schematic Capture a screenshot of several input/output settings from the 16-Bit DAC Circuit For a Wien-bridge oscillator Given R = 50Kohm and C […]

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Is the physical world more or less real than the spiritual or psychological world?

There are certain big questions that philosophers have been puzzling over for centuries. Amazingly, many people ask these same questions in daily life. Reflect on these questions as related to each of the 6 branches of philosophy below. Write an APA-formatted essay of 3–4 pages explaining each of the 6 branches, describing a time in […]

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What role does cultural sensitivity play in creating and implementing PR strategies that span across international borders?

Question 1 Imagine you have been hired to manage the PR function for a startup company specializing in environmental concerns and preservation. Develop a high level PR plan that will carry you through the first six months of the company’s launch. Keep in mind initial startup tasks that might include reaching out to key stakeholders […]

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What is the central conflict of the story, and does it produce a static or dynamic central character (protagonist)?

ESSAY: This essay will require analysis. Don’t retell the story; assume your reader has read it. You should have a thesis statement (statement of the controlling idea, or main point of your paper). You will need to use examples from the story to support your analysis. The references you make to the story (quotes, paraphrases, […]

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In your opinion, what aspects of the changes at SAP would be most difficult for the German employees?

Assignment 1: LASA 2—Human Resource Management Writing Assignment  and Presentation Case Study—Culture Clashes at SAP Read the Case: Culture Clashes Make Change Difficult at SAP. Use the Argosy University online library and the internet for additional research. Imagine you are an HR consultant called in to advise the leadership at SAP. Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint […]

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