How many covenants does the Bible speak about?

The Old Testament God furthering of covenant thinking
The Old Testament contains 39 books that are categorized as books of the Law, history, poetry, wisdom, and prophetical books.
As we all know, the Bible speaks of seven different covenants, four of which (Abrahamic, Palestinian, Mosaic, Davidic) God made with the nation of Israel the unconditional and conditional in nature of covenants, regardless of Israel’s obedience or disobedience. Three of the covenants (Adamic, Noahic, New) are made between God and mankind in general. Some of His promises are to all people, and some are limited to Israel. These are the covenants of the Old Testament, but studying these seven promises from God allows for a fuller understanding of the unity of Scripture and of salvation history. So research each covenants of God’s plan and his covenants for Israelites and for all human kinds?
The Old Testament God Covenant’s Research Assignment Rubric
Old Testament Covenant # 1
Pts Assignment Excellent Good Average Poor Missing / unacceptable
1 Thoughtful, clear explanation, Research Integration 5 4 3 2 1
Thoughtful, accurate, adequate response to Old Testament, heart/soul/strength
2 Clear, accurate, coherent summary
Shows good understanding of issues: the seven covenants and context.
3 Clear, accurate, Argument Presentation coherent summary
Shows good understanding of issues: foundational nature, God’s covenant, people obedience and disobedience
4 Clear, accurate, coherent summary
Shows good understanding of issues: whole passage OT, relationships with God and man, if necessary the ritual or ethical laws
Appropriate documentation where needed
Thoughtful, clear, and relevant application using material learned in class
5 Paper Organization, Spelling, punctuation and grammar
Careful reading of the texts
Bibliography properly formatted with all information with double spaces max to 4- 5 pages.
Total points {10}

Return the research paper on 03/15/2016 via my email.
If you return later than the above given dates you miss your total points. So be sure, to start working ahead and return on time. 4-5 pages. All covenant should be included. All 7
Good luck!!!!!!!!!

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