What term does the Settles article use to describe how the intersection of race and gender combine to place individual into unique positions?

Section 1 – Multiple Choice (10 points each).
Please indicate your choice for the correct response. You can either highlight the correct response, underline it, bold the type, or write the word – correct – next to your choice. As long as I can tell which letter you chose as correct, you can use whatever method you want.
1. What term does the Settles article use to describe how the intersection of race and gender combine to place individual into unique positions
a. race-gender continuum
b. racegen
c. ethgender
d. ethrace

2. According to the course modules, in 2004 what percent of births in the U.S were to single mothers?
a. 25%
b. 42%
c. 17.5%
d. 37.5%

3. Which term is used to explain why jobs that are considered traditional for women are paid less that jobs that are considered traditional for men?
a. ghettoization
b. segmentation
c. wage gap
d. glass ceiling

4. An important legislative gain concerning women’s employment passed in 1963 was:
a. Title VII of the Civil Right’s Act
b. The Equal Right’s Amendment
c. The Equal Pay Act
d. Roe v. Wade

5. What type of family unit consists of two parents and their offspring
a. nuclear
b. extended
c. family of procreation
d. sororate

6. Which president first referred to the idea of Affirmative Action
a. Ronald Regan
b. John F. Kennedy
c. Richard Nixon
d. Lyndon Johnson

7. According to the Barsh article, which country has the highest percent of women who have seats on corporate boards?
a. Germany
b. Sweden
c. United States
d. Norway

Section 2 – True/False (5 points each)

Please indicate if the following statement are true or false. You can either underline which selection you choose, put it in bold type, or type in the word True or False after the statement. Just make sure I can tell which response you have chosen.

1. True/False Black and White women report similar experiences of gender discrimination, including pay inequities.
2. True/False For the lower classes, marriage was a matter to be settled by families, not individuals
3. True/False Divorce is one area in which women gain the most advantage.
4. True/False In school, teachers are less likely to call on female students, and pay more attention to male students.
5. True/False Within the concept of feminism, the only ‘privilege’ that you can have relates to skin color.
6. True/False On average, Asian countries have lower percentages of women in upper management positions than European countries.

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