What is the significance of a salesperson (such as Dan or Wanda) noticing the wall hangings and coffee table magazines?

MKT 3063 Personal Selling
Dr. Thomas F. Cannon

Case Study #2 (5.0)
“What Makes Him So Successful?”

Dan Clover met with several customers during his day of selling. Your answers must demonstrate your understanding of why Dan acted in the manner he did during the rapport stage of selling.

Read the case study carefully for clues and support each of your answers with specific information or logical assumptions based on information.

1. Customers: (1.25) Center-city drug store pharmacy operated by a father and son:

• Why did Dan take off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves? (0.625)

• What is the significance of a salesperson (such as Dan or Wanda) noticing the wall hangings and coffee table magazines? (0.625)
2. Customer: (1.25) Dr. Stanley Hafer who works at a suburban hospital:

• In sales term/jargon, Nurse Ruth Blair is considered what? (0.625)

• What role, if any, does Nurse Ruth Blair have in the buying decision? (0.625)
3. Customer: (1.25) Dr. Beverly Pruett who operates a private medical clinic:

• Why did Dan wait for Dr. Pruett to sit before seating himself? (0.625)

• Dan did not engage in rapport building based on his assumption of Dr. Pruett’s communication style which he most likely thinks is what? (0.625)
4. Rapport Stage: (1.25) Effective rapport building creates a level of comfort between a
prospect/customer and the sales person. Complete the following sentence about the value of
rapport building.

As in any relationship, comfort builds ______ which will lead to a long-term _________________.

Submission Format:
• One cover sheet (See Blackboard)
• Arial font, 11 or 12 point
• Print this answer sheet front/back if necessary and if possible
• Staple all pages together

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